я.ненавижу.тумбу50 первых поцелуев
Момент с Рокси убил нафиг
Вы только представьте: свадьба и ежедневный просмотр видео. Господи, я хочу Мерлина на этом утреннем видео. И других рыцарей на свадебном.
*whispers* Fifty first dates AUOMG OMG OMG, 50 First Dates AU post-Kentucky when the bullet has given Harry short-term memory loss, forcing Eggsy to woo him again and again, not that he minds. Every date shows him a little more of Harry each time.
The date at the Venetian restaurant reveals Harry’s flawless (and deeply sexy) proficiency in Italian, whereas their violently interrupted picnic in the park reminds Eggsy that despite whatever else Harry has forgotten, he knows how to fire a gun and break an assassin’s neck. On a summer astronomy outing under the stars, Eggsy discovers that Harry the gentleman isn’t opposed to fucking on the first date, if both parties are amenable, thought Eggsy should have anticipated the morning-after and waking up naked and zip-tied to the bed posts while Harry interrogated him for hours.
(Fine, that’s a little sexy too, especially after Eggsy uncoils his legs and suggests Harry use some of his wiles to ‘pump’ him for information.
“Are you asking me to seduce information out of you?” Harry asks, perplexed, with an arched eyebrow, but the minute flick of his Adam’s apple betrays him. It’s not his fault. Eggsy’s been on enough dates with him by now to know exactly what turns him on.
Eggsy gives a long languid shrug and knows Harry is tracing the long cool line from his shoulder to his neck. “I’m not going anywhere, and I might as well get something out of this if we’ll be here for very much longer.”
They do end up fucking, Eggsy’s arms still secured above his head, and his legs tight around Harry’s body, groaning Harry’s name.
“You’re the worst spy in the world,” Harry accuses, gasping, and Eggsy allows himself a moment of smugness, which vaporizes when Harry leaves him like that, the bastard, and he has to ask Roxy to come over later and cut him loose. She takes several photos before she deigns to free him.)
After months and months of tests, Merlin finally breaks it to them that Harry isn’t getting better, he’ll never get better, no matter how much time Harry is given and how many dates Eggsy takes him on.
Eggsy can’t help but despair. If Harry will never remember any of their first meetings, then he won’t remember Eggsy existing in his life at all, and perhaps that’s for the best.
Eggsy lasts a month without Harry before he finally breaks and walks back into a small respectable tailoring shop on Saville Row. Harry looks up from his work with a lovely polite smile and says “may I help you?” and Eggsy knows he’ll never be able to leave this man, not ever. Meeting Harry Hart was one of the best days of Eggsy’s life, and damned if he isn’t lucky that he can have as many of those first chances every day for as long as Harry will have him.
Harry starts his day with the “Good Morning, Harry!” tape. A young man named Eggsy appears onscreen to cheerfully explain his amnesia and Kentucky and what Harry has been doing with his life since then. There’s clips from vacations, and running around at the park with Eggsy’s dog JB, a shaky recording of Harry blowing out birthday candles as Eggsy’s family (”Michelle and Daisy,” Eggsy reminds him) clap and accept slices of cake.
Eggsy explains Kingsman, Harry’s role in it, and why they had to retire him, though Merlin has been lenient about bringing him back in for temporary consulting work, nowadays.
Towards the end, Harry finds a wedding video, their wedding video, and he watches himself kissing Eggsy like he can’t breathe without him, and Harry experiences the odd pang of being jealous of himself, of missing such an important day in his life. But then again, the man in the video also doesn’t remember waking up now in their bed, in their house, Eggsy’s ring on his finger. Those are Harry’s memories to hoard all to himself for today.
“I love you,” is the first thing Harry says as he descends the stairs into the kitchen, where Eggsy is making coffee and wearing Harry’s wine red dressing gown over his tshirt and boxers.
Eggsy smiles. “That’s always the first thing you say to me every day.”
“Good,” Harry says firmly. “I mean it, every day,” and a little forgetfulness is more than acceptable if.he can experience anew the first blushing shock of Eggsy’s gorgeous smile, like he’s falling in love with Eggsy all over again, every day, every morning, in every moment.хdeftmegalodon.tumblr.com/post/116618371198/king...